Glossary of Healthcare Operations Terms


Access Management
Access management in healthcare focuses ensuring safe,...
Administrative Ease
Administrative ease in healthcare refers to measures or...
Alarm Fatigue
Alarm fatigue occurs when healthcare professionals become...
Anti-Kickback Statute
The Anti-Kickback Statute prohibits the exchange of...


Clinical Outcomes Assessment
Clinical outcomes assessment refers to the systematic...
Clinical Privileges
Clinical privileges are specific authorizations granted to...
Compliance in healthcare refers to the adherence to laws,...
Compliance Officer
A compliance officer is an individual within an...
Contract Management
Contract management in healthcare is the systematic...
CTM (Contingent Talent Management)
CTM, also known as contingent talent management is the...
Culture of Safety in Healthcare
A culture of safety culture can be described as the shared...
CVO (Credentials Verification Organization)
A CVO is an entity that specializes in verifying and...


Decision Support
Decision support in healthcare supply chain management...


Employee Engagement
Employee engagement refers to the level of enthusiasm,...


GRC (Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance)
GRC refers to the framework and processes that...
Group NPI (Group National Provider Identifier)
Group NPI is a unique identification number assigned to...


Healthcare Burnout
Healthcare burnout is a state of emotional and physical...
Healthcare Credentialing
Healthcare credentialing refers to the process of verifying...
Healthcare Informatics
Informatics is the interdisciplinary field that focuses on...
Healthcare Quality Management (HQM)
Healthcare quality management involves systematic efforts...
High Reliability Organization (HRO)
A high reliability organization is an entity, often in...
HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)
HIPAA is a U.S. federal law that establishes privacy and...
HIPAA-Compliant Messaging
HIPAA-Compliant Messaging refers to the secure exchange of...
Hospital Performance Metrics
Hospital performance metrics are quantifiable measures used...
Hospital Visitor Screening
Hospital visitor screening involves implementing protocols...


IDN (Integrated Delivery Network)
Integrated delivery networks, or health systems, are...
Incident Reporting
Incident reporting is the act of documenting all incidents,...
Integrated Healthcare Delivery
Integrated healthcare delivery refers to a coordinated...
Interoperability refers to the ability of different...


Locum Tenens
Locum tenens is a Latin phrase that translates to...


Medical Credentialing
Medical credentialing refers to the process of verifying...
Medical Staff Services
Medical staff services departments in healthcare...
Multidisciplinary Healthcare
Multidisciplinary healthcare involves the collaboration of...


Network Provider
A network provider is a healthcare facility or professional...
NPI Number (National Provider Identifier Number)
An NPI number is a unique 10-digit self-enumerated...
Nurse Fatigue
Nurse fatigue is a state of physical and mental exhaustion...
Nurse to Patient Ratio
Nurse to patient ratio is a critical metric indicating the...
Nursing Workload Management
Nursing workload management involves the allocation of...


On-Call Scheduling
On-call scheduling refers to the practice of assigning...


Patient Outcomes
Patient outcomes refer to the results or consequences of...
Payer Enrollment
Payer enrollment is the process by which healthcare...
A payvider, or payment provider, is a healthcare entity...
Per Diem Staff
Per diem staff are temporary employees who work on an...
PES (Payer Enrollment Services)
Payer Enrollment Services (PES) involves the administrative...
Physician Contracts
Physician contracts are specialized legal agreements...
Physician Credentialing
Physician credentialing is the process of verifying and...
Physician Peer Review
Physician Peer Review refers to the systematic evaluation...
Privileging grants healthcare professionals specific...
Product Evaluation
Product evaluation in healthcare operations involves...
Provider Data Management
Provider data management involves maintaining accurate and...
Provider Enrollment
Provider enrollment is the process of registering...
PSV (Primary Source Verification)
Primary Source Verification (PSV) is a crucial step in...


Quality Dashboard
A quality dashboard is a visual tool that provides...
Quality Management
Quality management is a systematic approach to ensuring...
Quality Metrics
Quality metrics are quantifiable measures used to assess...


Regulatory Compliance
Regulatory compliance in healthcare operations refers to...
Risk Management
Risk management involves identifying, assessing, and...
Risk Mitigation
Risk mitigation in healthcare involves a systematic...


Safety Goals
Safety goals are specific objectives and targets set by...
Social Determinants of Health (SDoH)
Social determinants of health are non-medical factors such...
Span of Control
Span of control refers to the number of employees or...
Spend Analytics
Spend analytics is the process of analyzing an...
Spend Management
Spend management involves the strategic control and...
Stark Law
The Stark Law, or Physician Self-Referral Law, prohibits...
Supplier Management
Supplier management in healthcare operations refers to...


Telehealth enables the ability to connect patients with...
Telemedicine specifically refers to the remote diagnosis...
Travel Nurse Staffing
Travel nurse staffing involves hiring registered nurses who...


Value Analysis
Value analysis is the ability to evaluate available...
Vendor Compliance
Vendor compliance refers to the adherence of suppliers and...
Vendor Credentialing
Vendor credentialing in healthcare operations involves...
Vendor Management
Vendor Management in healthcare operations involves...
Vendor Negotiation
Vendor negotiation in healthcare operations involves the...
Visitor Management
Visitor management in healthcare involves implementing...