Glossary of Healthcare Operations Terms

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PSV (Primary Source Verification)

What is PSV (Primary Source Verification)?

Primary Source Verification (PSV) is a crucial step in healthcare credentialing and enrollment processes where information provided by healthcare professionals or entities is directly verified from the original or primary source. This ensures accuracy and reliability of information related to qualifications, licenses, certifications, education, training, and professional history before granting privileges or enrollment in healthcare networks.

In what context is PSV (Primary Source Verification) applicable?

Conducting primary source verification of healthcare provider credentials, including medical licenses, board certifications, and education credentials, directly from issuing authorities.

Ensuring compliance with accreditation standards and regulatory requirements by verifying the authenticity and accuracy of provider credentials through independent verification sources.

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Frequently asked questions

Why is healthcare primary source verification important?
PSV is essential for maintaining patient safety and quality of care by ensuring that healthcare providers possess valid and current credentials. It helps healthcare organizations mitigate risks, uphold regulatory compliance, and maintain the integrity of their provider networks by confirming that providers meet the necessary qualifications and standards.
What credentials are verified during primary source verification?
Credentials verified during healthcare primary source verification may include professional licenses, medical degrees, board certifications, training certificates, DEA registrations, malpractice history, and any disciplinary actions or sanctions taken against the provider by licensing boards or regulatory agencies.
Who conducts healthcare primary source verification?
It is typically conducted by credentialing departments or third-party credentialing agencies hired by healthcare organizations. These entities specialize in verifying provider credentials and qualifications by directly contacting the issuing sources, such as licensing boards, educational institutions, and certification bodies.
How long does healthcare primary source verification take?
The timeframe for healthcare primary source verification varies depending on factors such as the complexity of the provider's background, the responsiveness of the issuing sources, and the efficiency of the verification process. On average, primary source verification can take several weeks to complete, but expedited services may be available for urgent cases.
Can healthcare providers practice without primary source verification?
No, healthcare providers must undergo primary source verification to practice medicine legally and ethically. Without verified credentials, providers may face restrictions on their ability to obtain licensure, gain hospital privileges, participate in insurance networks, or practice in certain healthcare settings. PSV is critical in ensuring the competence and integrity of healthcare providers.