Healthcare Talent Management | symplr Learning

Create powerful education experiences for your healthcare workforce

Our learning management software and courseware help your organization remain compliant while fostering employee growth and engagement.

Employees with access to continual development tools are 2X as likely to say they’ll stay with their company.

Proper training and development doubles an employee’s chance of success in a leadership or management role. The pursuit of career growth elsewhere is a top driver of dysfunctional turnover.

Improve outcomes with learning management designed for healthcare

Addressing knowledge and skills gaps in your healthcare workforce is not only key to attracting and retaining staff, it’s essential for optimizing patient care and benefitting your bottom line.

Consider this: Medical errors due to inadequately skilled staff, errors in judgment or care, system defects, or a preventable adverse eventÂą cause nearly 1,000 deaths every day.

And $200 billion or more is wasted every year on excessive testing and treatment of patients—a type of overly aggressive care that can lead to mistakes, injuries, and approximately 30,000 deaths per year2.

To better protect patients and optimize care, you need to provide ongoing learning opportunities to improve competencies and close the knowledge and skills gaps in your healthcare workforce.

symplr Learning can help you strategically manage and continuously develop your staff to help you meet compliance requirements and elevate patient care.

1Sipherd, Ray. “The third-Leading cause of death in US most doctors don’t want you to know about.” Modern Medicine, CNBC LLC, 22 Feb. 2018 

2Terhune, Chad. “Putting A Lid On Waste: Needless Medical Tests Not Only Cost $200B the U.S. Federal Government.—They Can Do Harm.” KHN | Kaiser Health News, Kaiser Family Foundation, 24 May 2017

Create an environment of sustainable competence

Adopt competency-based educational strategies
Assess your employees’ cognitive, technical, and interpersonal competencies by validating their ability to perform critical tasks using a specified set of knowledge and skills. Observation and demonstration are two methods, but with symplr Learning, you have access to an unlimited number of validation methods so you can decide how to best prove staff competence.
Build a competency library that reflects organizational goals
Competency development can be a time-consuming and costly process. In addition, the knowledge, skills, and behaviors expected of new hires is often quite different than what is required of seasoned staff. Ensure your competency library covers all the bases and syncs with organizational outcomes goals.
Drive successful accreditation survey results
Staff development is a critical factor in providing a high level of patient care. You must ensure staff can meet compliance requirements to bolster finances, avoid fines, and maintain a strong employer brand. With symplr, your organization can be ready to supply evidence of staff competence—and remediation efforts, if applicable—at a moment’s notice to avoid non-compliance.

Drive better results using continuous learning

Plan, deliver, and track staff education
Our learning management system allows you to assign education to multiple learners at once, a vital functionality for healthcare workers who often assume multiple roles. Gauge learners’ knowledge through pre- and post-tests. View customizable reports to accelerate your organizational accreditation surveys and learners’ certification and licensure renewal processes.
Easily assess skills and knowledge
Competency management enables staff and managers to validate the critical competencies required to ensure patient safety and satisfaction. Leverage 1,500 clinical and non-clinical competencies comprised of more than 8,700 skills, with multiple validation methods to document staff competence. With online reports and reminders, your team can easily identify knowledge gaps.
Power employee learning with a robust course library
Your staff needs access to an array of courseware to grow. The symplr eLearning Library offers more than 12,000 clinical and non-clinical eLearning courses with 3,500+ CE and CME credits available. Developed by our own experts and strategic learning partners, the courses cover a range of topics and specialties, including coding and billing, long-term care, business skills, regulatory compliance, and more.

Increase compliance and efficiency in your healthcare learning management processes

Get a custom demo to see how symplr Learning can help you tackle all your employee learning and development challenges.

Why healthcare learning teams choose symplr

We can be confident the content we use is accurate and relevant, without needing to invest our own time researching regulatory changes and modifying e-learning modules.


Training Coordinator, Great Plains Health
symplr Learning provides a full catalog of courses to accommodate new learning challenges, along with the flexibility and authoring tools needed to develop additional courses. Plus, symplr Learning has been a terrific partner in collaborating on additional features we need due to regulatory changes.


Director of Staff Development, Huntsville Hospital


Learning Management Solution Overview
Streamline and manage your education efforts in pursuit of competency advancement
eLearning Management Datasheet
symplr helps prepare your organization for the future via continuous learning
Course Catalog
Search content that supports compliance and helps employees across your organization maintain and develop critical skills
eLearning Library - Third-party LMS
Delivering training to your learners has never been easier

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