Glossary of Healthcare Operations Terms

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Quality Management

What is Quality Management?

Quality management is a systematic approach to ensuring that products, services, or processes meet established quality standards and continually improve to meet customer expectations.

In what context is Quality Management applicable?

Hospitals and health systems use quality management processes to monitor, evaluate, and improve patient care, and adhere to industry standards.

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Frequently asked questions

How do hospitals use quality management processes?
Hospitals use quality management processes to monitor and enhance patient care. This includes implementing evidence-based practices, tracking performance metrics, conducting regular audits, and fostering continuous improvement initiatives to ensure high-quality healthcare delivery.
What are the key components of a quality management system in healthcare?

The key components of a quality management system in healthcare include quality planning, quality control, quality assurance, and continuous improvement. These elements focus on processes, data-driven decision-making, and ongoing efforts to enhance patient care and outcomes.

Why is continuous improvement a crucial aspect of quality management?

Continuous improvement is crucial in quality management as it ensures ongoing enhancements to processes, policies, and patient care. It fosters a culture of learning, adaptability, and innovation, ultimately leading to sustained improvements in healthcare operations.

What role does quality management play in healthcare accreditation?
Quality management plays a pivotal role in healthcare accreditation by ensuring adherence to established quality standards and continuous improvement. It provides the framework for healthcare organizations to meet accreditation requirements, enhance patient care, and maintain accreditation status in operations.