Midas Statit

Measure provider and organizational performance to drive improvements

Automate burdensome administrative tasks measuring provider performance and quality using customizable scorecards and workflows with feedback loops, and audit functions. Identify and address root causes of problem areas that are causing negative patient outcomes to improve enterprise-wide quality of care.

Optimize provider, department, facility, and enterprise-wide performance and quality of care

Eliminate manual peer reviews with automated workflows
Leverage easy-to-navigate workflows and actionable reporting tools to get your reviewers in and out the system.
Address key processes and outcomes
Easily understand if improvement initiatives are working or not. Enable users to subscribe to role-specific indicators and receive daily updates. Quickly identify outliers for further review and corrective action.
Monitor and measure performance and practice patterns
Use scorecards to monitor, track, and trend performance measurements and indicators across the enterprise. Connect data from multiple sources to spot performance concerns. Meet and exceed accreditation standards for professional practice evaluations.
Male dressed in business casual staring intently at his screen sitting behind a desktop computer

Can you easily track and trend quality initiatives?

Measuring quality improvement is difficult

Quality improvement initiatives seek to correct or enhance the quality of care delivered. Professional practice evaluations measure clinician performance to ensure quality standards are met. Both processes are difficult and time consuming to track and accurately measure.

A resource and productivity burden on clinicians

Based on the average number of providers per U.S. hospital according to Becker's Healthcare, professional practice evaluations account for 209 hours in added manpower costs to complete. The right resources needed to collect performance data, analyze, create reports, and undertake the review process is not sustainable without automated workflows and reporting.

The right tools and workflows are critical

The inability to quickly identify providers who are not performing to standards or quality issues within an organization can negatively affect patient outcomes. With Midas Statit, you can aggregate quality and performance data, and access views and insights into trends, performance, and outliers.

Why should you use Midas Statit?


Clinicians reviewed annually in Midas Statit


Reduction in time and cost savings using reviewer workflows 


 Clinician specialty pre-built scorecards available

Optimize provider performance, safety, and quality through performance dashboards and scorecards

Statit - Provider Scorecard

Save time and reduce costs through targeted workflows during the review process

Replace manual review and reporting processes with Midas Statit Provider Scorecards, automated workflows, and batch reviews. Give time back to overtaxed healthcare staff. When done manually, the average regulatory review takes about 30 minutes per provider every 6-9 months. The time and effort required to generate these reviews and reports detracts from the focus and resources needed for direct patient care.

  • Intuitive workflows enable efficiency with guided actions, automated notifications, and batch approvals
  • Batch review complete acceptable reviews to focus time reviewing poor performers needing an individual plan
  • Automate scheduling with notification of reviews due, completed, and overdue
  • Compare peer groups with performance targets and alarms with drill down to patient-level data
Statit - Scorecard General Surgery

Meet and exceed accreditation standards for professional practice evaluations

Provider scorecards assist your organization in meeting the credentialing and privileging standards and requirements for Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation (OPPE) for The Joint Commission; as well as other Provider Performance Standards of the DNV, Office of Inspector General (OIG), Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), CMS Conditions of Participation (CMS CoP), and other regulatory agencies are fulfilled with a full workflow tool for reviews. No longer will “no news is good news” be acceptable. The standards are specifically built to challenge this notion and move to a much more evidence-based process.

  • Monitor and measure physician performance and practice patterns in alignment with strategic objectives
  • Meet regulatory provider review requirements such as Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation (OPPE)
  • Enable synchronization of OPPE and the re-credentialing process to optimize resources
  • Leverage comparative data at the measure level when paired with Midas DataVision
Statit - Mortality Readmission Charts

Track and trend patient safety and quality in near real-time to reduce risk and improve outcomes

Midas Statit provides a simple, yet powerful way to access, track, analyze, compare, and contrast patient safety and quality data through dashboards. These dashboards provide immediate and actionable insights to help you make objective, sustainable, and defensible decisions. 

  • Interactive dashboards for provider and quality performance 
  • Allow profile indicators to come from numerous and varied data sources 
  • Connect physician identifiers which may differ from one data source to another 
  • Prioritize attention to improvement initiatives with a better understanding of process variation
Statit - Mortality  Readmission List

Drive a culture of quality and high reliability

Enable clinical leaders and administrators to have the data they need to support quality improvement initiatives and consistently meet performance standards. Midas Statit’s dashboards and scorecards make it easy to share performance and quality reports across your organization.

  • Subscribe to role-specific indicators with business rules important to each.
  • Be informed through a daily email if a leader’s target is not met, either via intelligent statistical process control indicators (SPC) or if an indicator has been changed
  • Build consensus by deriving knowledge objectively to support timely data-driven decisions
  • Identify which providers are truly performing differently from their peers
  • Create scorecards to track metrics most important to you from multiple data sources

Ready to learn more about Midas Statit? Let’s chat.

Ask about our provider scorecards, dashboards, implementation, support, or anything else. symplr is ready to help you optimize provider performance, patient safety, and quality management.

Get in touch

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Improve standards of care while reducing risk and financial penalties

Advance operational and clinical performance, compare against curated benchmark data, and gain visibility enterprise wide. Track and trend performance over time, proactively manage and mitigate risk, make data-driven decisions amid regulatory changes, and foster a safe care environment for all.

What our Midas customers are saying

[Midas] Statit graphs and scorecards are used during TJC inspections to illustrate our physician OPPE process. TJC was very complimentary of our Provider Scorecards.


Cleveland Clinic Indian River Medical Center, Vero Beach, FL


Three Ways Hospitals Use Data for Quality Improvement
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Midas Statit Brochure
How Hospitals Get More Value from Physician Quality Review

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