Vendor Policy Toolkit

Create an Effective and Enforceable Vendor Policy for 2022 and Beyond

If the last time you completed a comprehensive review of your vendor policy was prior to the pandemic, it’s likely that how your organization interacts with vendors has changed significantly.ebook_vendor_policy_toolkit_staged

Here are a few questions to help you determine if your vendor policy needs updating:

  • Do you know what’s included in your current vendor policy?
  • Do you have processes to guide all vendor interactions, for both new and existing vendors?
  • Do you have requirements for virtual vendor engagements?
  • Are all vendors who you are considering doing business with familiar with your policies?

If you’ve answered “no” to any of these questions, our vendor policy toolkit can help you create a stronger policy that vendors understand and employees feel empowered to enforce.

Our toolkit is based on insights gathered from years of experience helping clients develop and maintain vendor policies, plus recent feedback on how engagements with vendors have changed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

It includes:

  • A guide to vendor policy best practices for 2022 and beyond
  • A vendor policy template that you can use as a baseline to create your custom policy
  • A staff training template to help you develop internal training